Looking for a build to print or hard to find microwave component? Renaissance Electronics can help recreate an old obsolete product and meet or beat electrical and mechanical specs. http://www.rec-usa.com/Data%20Sheets/6A5NA.pdf
To protect expensive High Power Amplifiers operating at X-band, Renaissance has developed a new broadband coaxial isolator that operates from 9 to 9.6 GHz and can handle 50 W reflected power. Insertion loss of 0.5 dB is maintained over -40 to +85C. The reflected power is dissipated to the mounting surface with an extended heat […]
Renaissance’s new 3G2BG circulator is a wideband drop-in circulator designed for CW and pulsed applications such as wireless infrastructures, RADAR, Military communication radios and general purpose duplexing applications. Operating over 690 to 1100 MHz, this circulator comes in a compact size of ~ 2” x 2” x 0.6”. It is capable of withstanding 350W of […]
Need a reverse power detection circuit built in the output isolator of your PA? REC’s 2A2NBG has a built in reflected power monitor circuit that will produce up to 1 VDC @ 30W operating from 869 – 894 MHz. This feature is also available in other frequency bands. Click here for Datasheet
To support high sensitivity measurements, Renaissance has developed a high isolation SPDT that operates from DC to 4 GHz with 120 dB isolation between the input and output ports when in the no connect state. The total loss between any of the output ports and the input port is less than 4 dB. This switch […]
For the Marine Satellite communication radios, Renaissance has designed a broad band, high power circulator in a compact size of 1” square. Covering 1.1 to 1.7 GHz, this design has loss of 1 dB and can handle up to 50 W CW at +95C. Click here for datasheet: http://www.rec-usa.com/Data%20Sheets/3G3BA.pdf
For SATCOM on-the-Move (SOTM) terminals, Renaissance has designed a compact low loss isolator with K-connectors to support the bandwidth requirement of 27.35 to 31.7 GHz. The power handling on this model is 10 W forward and 1 W reverse but this package can be customized for up to 50 W forward and 10 W reverse. […]
For SATCOM on-the-Move (SOTM) terminals, Renaissance has designed a compact low loss isolator with K-connectors to support the bandwidth requirement of 27.5 to 30.5 GHz. The power handling on this model is 10 W forward and 1 W reverse but this package can be customized for up to 50 W forward and 10 W reverse. […]
To protect the space communication payload electronics, Renaissance has designed a 26.5 GHz microstrip. Main features include compact size, low loss and high isolation. This device meets all of the NASA’s outgassing requirements. Click below for datasheet http://www.rec-usa.com/Data%20Sheets/2W9NBV-S.pdf
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